"Obama is NO Harry Truman, Obama can’t stand the heat…"
(too old to reply)
2009-10-12 23:33:45 UTC

HEAD: House Escalates War of Words With Fox News

LEAD: Anita Dunn, White House communications director, calls Fox News a
"wing of the Republican Party," after the White House began using its
government blog to criticize "Fox lies."

Calling Fox News "a wing of the Republican Party," the Obama administration
on Sunday escalated its war of words against the channel, even as observers
questioned the wisdom of a White House war on a news organization.

"What I think is fair to say about Fox -- and certainly it's the way we view
it -- is that it really is more a wing of the Republican Party," said Anita
Dunn, White House communications director, on CNN. "They take their talking
points, put them on the air; take their opposition research, put them on the
air. And that's fine. But let's not pretend they're a news network the way
CNN is."

Fox News senior vice president Michael Clemente, who likens the channel to a
newspaper with separate sections on straight news and commentary, suggested
White House officials were intentionally conflating opinion show hosts like
Glenn Beck with news reporters like Major Garrett.

"It's astounding the White House cannot distinguish between news and opinion
programming," Clemente said. "It seems self-serving on their part."

In recent weeks, the White House has begun using its government blog to
directly attack what it called "Fox lies." David Gergen, who has worked for
President Bill Clinton and three Republican presidents, questioned the
propriety of the White House declaring war on a news organization.

"It's a very risky strategy. It's not one that I would advocate," Gergen
said on CNN. "If you're going to get very personal against the media, you're
going to find that the animosities are just going to deepen. And you're
going to find that you sort of almost draw viewers and readers to the people
you're attacking. You build them up in some ways, you give them stature."

He added: "The press always has the last barrel of ink."

Gergen's sentiments were echoed by Tony Blankley, who once served as press
secretary to former House Speaker Newt Gingrich.

"Going after a news organization, in my experience, is always a loser,"
Blankley said on CNN. "They have a big audience. And Fox has an audience of
not just conservatives -- they've got liberals and moderates who watch too.
They've got Obama supporters who are watching. So it's a temptation for a
politician, but it needs to be resisted."

Nia Malika Henderson, White House correspondent for the Politico newspaper,
also questioned the White House offensive against Fox.

"Obama's only been a boon to their ratings and I don't understand how this
kind of escalation of rhetoric and kind of taking them on, one on one, would
do anything other than escalate their ratings even more," she said.

Dunn used an appearance on CNN's "Reliable Sources" over the weekend to
complain about Fox News' coverage of the Obama presidential campaign a year

"It was a time this country was in two wars," she recalled. "We'd had a
financial collapse probably more significant than any financial collapse
since the Great Depression. If you were a Fox News viewer in the fall
election, what you would have seen would have been that the biggest stories
and biggest threats facing America were a guy named Bill Ayers and something
called ACORN."

Ayers was co-founder of the Weather Underground, a communist terrorist group
that bombed the Pentagon and other buildings in the 1960s and 1970s. In
1995, Ayers hosted Obama at his home for a political function and the two
men later served together on the board of an anti-poverty group known as the
Woods Fund.

The Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN), which
once had close ties to Obama, has been accused by a variety of law
enforcement agencies of voter fraud. In recent weeks, the
Democrat-controlled Congress moved to sever funding to ACORN after Fox News
aired undercover videotapes of ACORN employees giving advice on how to break
the law to a pair of journalists disguised as a pimp and prostitute.

As for Dunn's complaint about Fox News' coverage of the Obama campaign, a
study by the Pew Research Center showed that 40 percent of Fox News stories
on Obama in the last six weeks of the campaign were negative. Similarly, 40
percent of Fox News' stories on Obama's Republican opponent, Sen. John
McCain, were negative.

On CNN, by contrast, there was a 22-point disparity in the percentage of
negative stories on Obama (39 percent) and McCain (61 percent). The
disparity was even greater at MSNBC, according to Pew, where just 14 percent
of Obama stories were negative, compared to a whopping 73 percent of McCain
stories -- a spread of 59 points.

Although Dunn accused Fox News of being a "wing of the Republican Party,"
she said the network does not champion conservatism.

"It's not ideological," she acknowledged. "I mean, obviously, there are many
commentators who are conservative, liberal, centrist -- and everybody
understands that."

Still, Obama refused to appear on Fox News Sunday with Chris Wallace on
Sept. 20, the day he appeared on five other Sunday shows. At the time, the
White House characterized the snub as payback for the Fox Broadcast
Network's decision not to air an Obama prime time appearance. But last
weekend, Dunn blamed Fox News Channel's coverage of the administration for
Obama's snub of Fox News Sunday.

"Is this why he did not appear?" Dunn said. "The answer is yes."

Wallace has called White House officials "the biggest bunch of crybabies I
have dealt with in my 30 years in Washington."

Dunn was asked by CNN's Howard Kurtz whether Obama would grant an interview
to Fox News by the end of the year.

"Obviously, he'll go on Fox, because he engages with ideological opponents
and he has done that before, he will do it again," Dunn replied. "I can't
give you a date, because frankly I can't give you dates for anybody else
right now."

But last week, Fox News was informed by the White House that Obama would
grant no interviews to the channel until at least 2010. The edict was
relayed to Fox News by a White House official after Dunn discussed the
channel at a meeting with presidential spokesman Robert Gibbs and other
Obama advisers.

"What I will say is that when he (Obama) goes on Fox, he understands he's
not going on it really as a news network, at this point," Dunn said on CNN.
"He's going on to debate the opposition. And that's fine. He never minds
doing that."

Dunn also strongly implied that Fox had failed to follow up on a New York
Times story about a scandal swirling around GOP Sen. John Ensign of Nevada,
although Fox News broadcast the stories on numerous shows, including Special
Report with Bret Baier.

Clemente questioned the motives of the White House attack, which comes in
the wake of an informal coffee last month between Fox chairman Roger Ailes
and Obama adviser David Axelrod.

"Instead of governing, the White House continues to be in campaign mode, and
Fox News is the target of their attack mentality," he said. "Perhaps the
energy would be better spent on the critical issues that voters are worried

Blankley suggested the war on Fox News is unpresidential.

"It lowers the prestige," he said. "If you're president or speaker, at a
certain level, you don't want to be seen to be engaging that kind of petty
bickering. If you're just a congressman, maybe you can do it."

In an interview over the summer, Obama made clear that Fox News has gotten
under his skin.

"I've got one television station that is entirely devoted to attacking my
administration," he told CNBC's John Harwood. "You'd be hard pressed if you
watched the entire day to find a positive story about me on that front."

At the White House Correspondents Dinner in May, Obama even mocked the media
for supporting him.

"Most of you covered me; all of you voted for me," Obama said, spurring
laughter and applause from the assembled journalists. "Apologies to the Fox

Gergen said the White House should delegate its attacks to outside support

"Why don't they take this over to the DNC, over to the Democratic National
Committee, and have their struggles like that fought out over there and not
out of the White House?" Gergen said. "I have real questions about that

kmichaels October 12th, 2009 - 3:19 pm
Obama is a weakling in so many different ways.

Robert . October 12th, 2009 - 3:23 pm
No wonder Fox News is the highest rated news channel, they are the only ones
reporting the truth.

Peter N Roth October 12th, 2009 - 3:24 pm
The wise advice used to be phrased: “Don’t start an argument with someone
who buys ink by the barrel.”

L. Smith October 12th, 2009 - 3:25 pm
Fox has nothing to worry about…they are MORE popular than the him!!!

DennisT October 12th, 2009 - 3:25 pm
Well, when you have a bunch of nit wits running the White House, hell bent
on destroying our country, what do you expect?

rider237 October 12th, 2009 - 3:25 pm
how very Hugo-ish. truth is, fox is the only place you see all sides of a
story. to bad the other networks can’t claim the same. the WH can say what
they want,the numbers tell the story. The people know where to find news.
they find it on fox.

Milli October 12th, 2009 - 3:27 pm
That’s just like Fox News – They always give their viewers the truth. Keep
up the good work Fox and the stats will continue to rise; as obama osama bin
hating America fails. 2012 can’t get here fast enough.

I will not allow anyone in my home to watch any other news; why bother when
they only report half-truths, if there’s any truth reported at all.

I'm Not a President, but I Play One on TV October 12th, 2009 - 3:28 pm
The Obama White House has CNN fact-checking SNL sketches critical of Dear
Leader, and MSNBC bathing them in a rich, soothing wash of worshipful spin
24/7–and all these crybabies can complain about is a hostile press!

Tony Blair October 12th, 2009 - 3:32 pm
Again, if Fox is so bad then explain all those lies…. Again go after the
company/person but don’t rebute the facts :)

Keith October 12th, 2009 - 3:33 pm
I’m a recent convert to Fox News, since Obama was elected. I got tired of
all the softball press coverage from CNN. So this is how the new White House
treats a news organization that dares to question them…

The Professor October 12th, 2009 - 3:33 pm
Fox can’t have its cake and eat it, too. If you want to broadcast
propaganda, not to mention whatever you call Glenn Beck’s show, don’t expect
goodwill from the White House. I think the liberal bias of the left has been
countered by some on the right with blatant and brazen lies, disrespect, and
misinformation. Fox, Drudge, talk radio, Brietbart…then there’s the insane
WorldNetDaily…you’re all isolating conservatism by appealing tothe far rigth
wingnuts. Preach to the choir all you want; that’s no way to win elections
(though it’s great for ratings.)

DB from PHX October 12th, 2009 - 3:34 pm
It’s amazing that a news channel that reports the issues of the day without
the leftist slant of the major networks is now being considered an “enemy”
of the administration. This news blackout is a dangerous path to wander down
and they may just be waking up the sleeping giant that is the conservative
majority in the US. Keep it up and you’ll definitely lose the Whitehouse and
Congress in the next major election and it really doesn’t matter who the
Republicans put up against you.

JLC October 12th, 2009 - 3:34 pm
Fox must be getting too close for comfort in a lot of areas. Not a good
thing for the government to try to
silence the media. There are a lot of dark things going on in the
administration and we need at least one
media outlet willing to uncover it.

pepito cojones October 12th, 2009 - 3:34 pm
Obama is one big assed C-O-W-A-R-D!

Flava flave October 12th, 2009 - 3:35 pm
Why doesn’t CNN fact check say Glenn Beck's SEIU/ACORN/Buffy/Jarrett
connections? How about CNN Fact check the new FCC Czar ?

Yppdes October 12th, 2009 - 3:35 pm
Embarrassing how thin skinned this administration is.

Darrel October 12th, 2009 - 3:36 pm
All hail the lord god Dali-Bama. Stone the un-believers! Off with their

Worship and protect and say only good things about our Dear Leader – or

Zeig Heil! Zeig Heil!

jamesistheman October 12th, 2009 - 3:36 pm
Well at least 1 media outlet is calling the adminstration out. Many of us
see what they along with the rest of the Dems are trying to shove down our
throat. Sweeping changes & dirty tactics to get a healthcare bill among many
other agenda items theough as quickly as they can. The writing is on the
wall for the mid-terms & the Dems are going to lose big. They know this
which is why they are slamming their agenda full throttle.

demdicks October 12th, 2009 - 3:36 pm
I travel in my job and you always find the TV sets in airports and hotel
common areas all tuned to cnn, I have started complaining about it to
management requesting changing to Fox News, most are relieved that someone
finally told them to do it. Tell these people to get cnn off their airways,
that you notice and take names, tell them maybe your business is not good
enough for them if they won’t change the channel.

Olegario October 12th, 2009 - 3:37 pm
Who cares? We know what they’re up to and they are only going to lie when

Curt October 12th, 2009 - 3:38 pm
For someone who so blatantly supports the marxist agenda he sure doesn’t
like it when he and his fellow marxists become exposed….could it be he
realizes that the majority of us in this country don’t believe in his vision
for America and he can’t stand the fact that his smoke screen has blown
away! Please keep up the attacks so that the rest of the public who has
remained in the dark checks in with Fox to be educated to the real agenda of
hopelessness and change we dont believe in!

bess October 12th, 2009 - 3:40 pm
how ungrateful…. for the WH not to mention ALL THE OTHER news outlets that
sprew their own propaganda toward Obama.

those who seek the truth have found it in FoxNews.

Derrylane October 12th, 2009 - 3:40 pm
Fox is number one in ratings, because they report accurate news. Obama’s
polls are taking a free fall over the economy and unemployment lines and the
war. Anyway since when did any of our Presidents declare war on the MSM.
This seems like a we are dealing with dictatorship. This is the United
States of America. Not Cuba.

Irondog October 12th, 2009 - 3:40 pm
Keep up the good fight Fox News!

Robert October 12th, 2009 - 3:41 pm
If fox news is truely a mouthpeice of the republican party, wasnt it a
promise of obama that he would reach across party lines in an effort to end
political bickering?

George Washington October 12th, 2009 - 3:41 pm
Truth will ultimately prevail where there is pains to bring it to light.

Art October 12th, 2009 - 3:42 pm
Barry, is more of a meglomanic than Napoleon. He is a psycopathical liar.
Watch out America! He has already destroyed the fabric of the United States
of America. Impeach the SOB!!!

Curt October 12th, 2009 - 3:42 pm
Hey professer…..how about an example of the “lies” you accuse Fox of
perpetrating? Glenn Beck may be over the top but for the most part he has
simply been asking questions and getting nothing but crickets in response to
legitimate questions Millions of us have been asking!

bubbadiamonds October 12th, 2009 - 3:42 pm
Let us imagine if the main stream media were right leaning and reflected the
views of the majority of Americans instead of being liberal elitists
hellbent on destroying this country. What a wonderful country we would have
right now. We wouldn’t have 75% of the problems we have now.

Jack Ace October 12th, 2009 - 3:43 pm
What the report failed to mention is that moderates and liberals only tune
into Fox to laugh at the spectacle that is Fox news. With the exception of
Shepard Smith, all the other shows are incredibly biased. There is nothing
fair and balanced about Fox news.

wts October 12th, 2009 - 3:43 pm
Seems to me that when a someone or group screams everyone that is against us
is telling lies …. screams an even louder message about that person or group

BillyBob October 12th, 2009 - 3:45 pm
CrackheadObummer, in 9 short months has abused the power of the Presidency
more than any other President in history, even those who served for 8 years.

What’s gonna be fun is investigating his corrupt and criminal behavior after
we run the stool sample off in 2012

Roger Shouse October 12th, 2009 - 3:46 pm
Why aren’t all journalists talking about the “chilling effect” White House
statements have on the exercise of a free press? Oh, yeah. Never mind.

DavidJ October 12th, 2009 - 3:47 pm
FOX NEWS does not need liars as guests. Obama can’t win an argument under
any circumstances, so he tries to eliminate honesty. What a bunch of babies
we have in the White House, today.

Dora October 12th, 2009 - 3:47 pm
Thank you FOX for being the lonely voice in the sad wilderness of those who
call themselves journalists.

The Nobel prize should be awarded to all those stations and newspapers who
either ommit the truth or have no problem lying openly in order to protect
the guy and his Chicago cronies in the White House. Speak the truth with
conviction. It will set you free and insure the survival of our democratic
republic. God bless America!

Richard in Marin October 12th, 2009 - 3:48 pm
How surprising is this!?! Not at all!!

Team Obama and their in-the-pocket limousine liberals HATE everything Fox
has to say — especially when Fox utters the facts.

Shame on them, shame on the voters who voted that communist into power, and
good for Fox! Keep it up, guys.

rightsaidfred October 12th, 2009 - 3:48 pm
I give odumba the “limp wristed, spineless, communist, anti-american, most
likely to be a muslim” award. Why? BECAUSE HE’S NOT GEORGE BUSH. Never
thought I’d feel so strongly about this but…”GOD I MISS PRESIDENT BUSH”. I
am sick to death of that big eared goofy looking moron and the sound of his
voice makes me violently ill, much akin to Mary Hart’s voice and Kramer.

Hooter October 12th, 2009 - 3:48 pm
Mr. Obama you want some CHEEEZ for that WHINE. Truth bits doesn’t it Mr

Its a shame Mr Obama most Americans and those that vote watch Fox News…

Obama is NO Harry Truman, Obama can’t stand the heat….

mojo October 12th, 2009 - 3:49 pm
I get my news from many sources. Having worked in television news, beginning
in 1969 at PBS, I covered many stories in an honest and objective way. I
find that the mainstream media, as some label it, do slant to the left.
There are, many times, omissions of information which I can only attribute
to that slant to the left. With what some refer to as talk radio, and with
FOX News, I find that there is a slant to the right. However, that slant is
not in news content, as much as it is in what they cover. They also seem to
spend a great deal of air time, reporting on the omissions in stories
covered by the so called mainstream media. Since I have an extensive news
background, I do a great deal of “fact checking” on all of my news source
choices. I have also found that with some sources for fact checking, I have
to “fact check” their “fact checking”. The truth is out there, but you have
to be willing to work for it. It also requires that you get your information
from both left and right news sources. To dismiss one or the other, leaves
you with only half of the story.

Tony Corso October 12th, 2009 - 3:49 pm
If a group of esteemed engineers in every field sat down and tried to figure
out just how to bankrupt the United States of America and turn it into a
third world, socialist nation, they couldn’t have done a better job than the
Obama Administration is currently doing.

335blues October 12th, 2009 - 3:49 pm

Karen October 12th, 2009 - 3:51 pm
Fox is the best for news and yet still,they don’t tell the whole story. It’s
already been established umpteenth times, Obama is a liar.
I can't say much more than that, except those bitches and sons of bitches in
Da Honky Crib in Da Hood (formerly The White House) deserve any and all bad
that comes to them.

"MMM...MMM...MMM, BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA, MMM...MMM...MMM" --Young, innocent,
brainwashed grade school children in New Jersey

"Everybody in Washington gets all wee-weed up.” --Da Lyin' Little Prick

"THE BROTHER IS WATCHING" --Text on a poster showing Da Lyin' Little Prick
as Big Brother

"It's all about ME-E-E-E-E!!!" --Da Lyin' Little Prick

2009-10-13 00:10:34 UTC
Post by Dionysus
HEAD: House Escalates War of Words With Fox News
LEAD: Anita Dunn, White House communications director, calls Fox News a
"wing of the Republican Party," after the White House began using its
government blog to criticize "Fox lies."
Let's begin here. Head must be short for headline, but a headline is
never called a head or headline in a news article. Second, the word
Lead should not be in the article either and in modern journalism it's
spelled lede. People who read the news know this, people who make up
their news do not.
2009-10-13 02:26:16 UTC
Post by zzpat
Post by Dionysus
HEAD: House Escalates War of Words With Fox News
LEAD: Anita Dunn, White House communications director, calls Fox News a
"wing of the Republican Party," after the White House began using its
government blog to criticize "Fox lies."
Let's begin here. Head must be short for headline, but a headline is
never called a head or headline in a news article. Second, the word
Lead should not be in the article either and in modern journalism it's
spelled lede. People who read the news know this, people who make up
their news do not.
Puh-pleeze. do grow up. Stop trying to dissemble. You're just not any good
at it; you're too ham-handed. I spent more years journalism than you've
likely been alive.

I call it them heads and leads either because they're slugged that way in
the story or for clarity in this venue.

"Lead' or "lede" are both acceptable, I prefer "lead."

It is interesting you ignore the gist of the story. That speaks to your
willingness to turn over all your freedom and liberty to Da Lyin' Little
Prick's kind attentions and ministrations. Poor, poor, pitiful you.

So, now that you've had your Communications 101 class for the day (and
that's what we are here for), it's back to Voc Ed woodshop or remedial
reading classes for you. Once you finish there, it'll be time for cookies
and cow, and then a nappy on your own little rug. The one with the doggies
and kittens on it.

Siobhan Medeiros
2009-10-13 02:44:26 UTC
Post by Dionysus
Post by zzpat
Post by Dionysus
HEAD: House Escalates War of Words With Fox News
LEAD: Anita Dunn, White House communications director, calls Fox News a
"wing of the Republican Party," after the White House began using its
government blog to criticize "Fox lies."
Let's begin here. Head must be short for headline, but a headline is
never called a head or headline in a news article.  Second, the word
Lead should not be in the article either and in modern journalism it's
spelled lede.  People who read the news know this, people who make up
their news do not.
Puh-pleeze. do grow up. Stop trying to dissemble. You're just not any good
at it; you're too ham-handed. I spent more years journalism than you've
likely been alive.
Reaalllly? Where at? What paper or station? When? How many years?
Post by Dionysus
I call it them heads and leads either because they're slugged that way in
the story or for clarity in this venue.
"Lead' or "lede" are  both acceptable, I prefer "lead."
It is interesting you ignore the gist of the story. That speaks to your
willingness to turn over all your freedom and liberty to Da Lyin' Little
Prick's kind attentions and ministrations. Poor, poor, pitiful you.
What? Obama has chosen to respond to Fox's constant lies. And for
them to claim that Obama is in "campaign mode" is the ultimate in
hypocrisy. Fox has never left campaign mode since they got their
butts kicked between their ass.
Post by Dionysus
So, now that you've had your Communications 101 class for the day (and
that's what we are here for),  it's back to Voc Ed woodshop or remedial
reading classes for you. Once you finish there, it'll be time for cookies
and cow, and then a nappy on your own little rug. The one with the doggies
and kittens on it.
2009-10-13 12:40:12 UTC
Post by Dionysus
Post by zzpat
Post by Dionysus
HEAD: House Escalates War of Words With Fox News
LEAD: Anita Dunn, White House communications director, calls Fox News a
"wing of the Republican Party," after the White House began using its
government blog to criticize "Fox lies."
Let's begin here. Head must be short for headline, but a headline is
never called a head or headline in a news article. Second, the word
Lead should not be in the article either and in modern journalism it's
spelled lede. People who read the news know this, people who make up
their news do not.
Puh-pleeze. do grow up. Stop trying to dissemble. You're just not any good
at it; you're too ham-handed. I spent more years journalism than you've
likely been alive.
Reaalllly? Where at? What paper or station? When? How many years?
"Where at?" How ungrammatical of you, Siobhan (pretty Celtic name, vulgar
use of it). You'd never make it as an editor. You've just been "blue
penciled," unschooled fool.

Post by Dionysus
I call it them heads and leads either because they're slugged that way in
the story or for clarity in this venue.
"Lead' or "lede" are both acceptable, I prefer "lead."
It is interesting you ignore the gist of the story. That speaks to your
willingness to turn over all your freedom and liberty to Da Lyin' Little
Prick's kind attentions and ministrations. Poor, poor, pitiful you.
What? Obama has chosen to respond to Fox's constant lies. And for
them to claim that Obama is in "campaign mode" is the ultimate in
hypocrisy. Fox has never left campaign mode since they got their
butts kicked between their ass.
Post by Dionysus
So, now that you've had your Communications 101 class for the day (and
that's what we are here for), it's back to Voc Ed woodshop or remedial
reading classes for you. Once you finish there, it'll be time for cookies
and cow, and then a nappy on your own little rug. The one with the doggies
and kittens on it.
Jerry Okamura
2009-10-17 04:57:44 UTC
Post by Dionysus
Post by zzpat
Post by Dionysus
HEAD: House Escalates War of Words With Fox News
LEAD: Anita Dunn, White House communications director, calls Fox News a
"wing of the Republican Party," after the White House began using its
government blog to criticize "Fox lies."
Let's begin here. Head must be short for headline, but a headline is
never called a head or headline in a news article. Second, the word
Lead should not be in the article either and in modern journalism it's
spelled lede. People who read the news know this, people who make up
their news do not.
Puh-pleeze. do grow up. Stop trying to dissemble. You're just not any good
at it; you're too ham-handed. I spent more years journalism than you've
likely been alive.
Reaalllly? Where at? What paper or station? When? How many years?
Post by Dionysus
I call it them heads and leads either because they're slugged that way in
the story or for clarity in this venue.
"Lead' or "lede" are both acceptable, I prefer "lead."
It is interesting you ignore the gist of the story. That speaks to your
willingness to turn over all your freedom and liberty to Da Lyin' Little
Prick's kind attentions and ministrations. Poor, poor, pitiful you.
What? Obama has chosen to respond to Fox's constant lies. And for
them to claim that Obama is in "campaign mode" is the ultimate in
hypocrisy. Fox has never left campaign mode since they got their
butts kicked between their ass.

Glenn Beck did what I think was a clever response to the Obmaa
Adminitrations claim that FOX news was not telling the truth. Since you
probably do not watch the guy, I will tell you what he did do. He got a
phone where he is the only one on that phone. He gave that phone number to
someone in the White House to her and her alone. He asked if she hears
anything that Glenn Beck said on the show, to call him and tell him what he
said that was wrong. In three days that phone has not rung. So, then the
question is, "if" Glenn Beck is not telling the truth, since he is
contaantly attacking the Obama Administration, why haven't they called?
2009-10-17 06:10:42 UTC
Post by Jerry Okamura
Glenn Beck did what I think was a clever response to the Obmaa
Adminitrations claim that FOX news was not telling the truth.
LOL! you think that batphone stunt was "clever"?

Fuck me, you are one STUPID cunt.

Morton Davis
2009-10-18 21:40:23 UTC
Post by Siobhan Medeiros
Post by Dionysus
Post by zzpat
Post by Dionysus
HEAD: House Escalates War of Words With Fox News
LEAD: Anita Dunn, White House communications director, calls Fox News a
"wing of the Republican Party," after the White House began using its
government blog to criticize "Fox lies."
Let's begin here. Head must be short for headline, but a headline is
never called a head or headline in a news article. Second, the word
Lead should not be in the article either and in modern journalism it's
spelled lede. People who read the news know this, people who make up
their news do not.
Puh-pleeze. do grow up. Stop trying to dissemble. You're just not any good
at it; you're too ham-handed. I spent more years journalism than you've
likely been alive.
Reaalllly? Where at? What paper or station? When? How many years?
Post by Dionysus
I call it them heads and leads either because they're slugged that way in
the story or for clarity in this venue.
"Lead' or "lede" are both acceptable, I prefer "lead."
It is interesting you ignore the gist of the story. That speaks to your
willingness to turn over all your freedom and liberty to Da Lyin' Little
Prick's kind attentions and ministrations. Poor, poor, pitiful you.
What? Obama has chosen to respond to Fox's constant lies.
Obama's response is to cry about one news source out of all who dares to
question him.

2009-10-14 19:07:35 UTC
Fox has extensive coverage of Obama....(sigh)...at times they are as tiresome as the
other cable/commercial news stations in that regard. The difference is they don't
slobber over the man, confess to tingles up their legs or have interview after
interview with either him or his representatives with a view towards enforcing his
agenda. Their news shows simply report the news. Their opinion shows go beyond
that, giving the news more in-depth coverage along with personal slants and
(surprise!) opinions.

Quite frankly, I'm sick of the Obama morning, noon and night coverage. Anybody that
isn't must not have a life. Many others must agree with me or why do the ratings at
Fox so overwhelm the numbers at the other stations?...AAC
Post by Dionysus
HEAD: House Escalates War of Words With Fox News
LEAD: Anita Dunn, White House communications director, calls Fox News a
"wing of the Republican Party," after the White House began using its
government blog to criticize "Fox lies."
Calling Fox News "a wing of the Republican Party," the Obama administration
on Sunday escalated its war of words against the channel, even as observers
questioned the wisdom of a White House war on a news organization.
"What I think is fair to say about Fox -- and certainly it's the way we view
it -- is that it really is more a wing of the Republican Party," said Anita
Dunn, White House communications director, on CNN. "They take their talking
points, put them on the air; take their opposition research, put them on the
air. And that's fine. But let's not pretend they're a news network the way
CNN is."
Fox News senior vice president Michael Clemente, who likens the channel to a
newspaper with separate sections on straight news and commentary, suggested
White House officials were intentionally conflating opinion show hosts like
Glenn Beck with news reporters like Major Garrett.
"It's astounding the White House cannot distinguish between news and opinion
programming," Clemente said. "It seems self-serving on their part."
In recent weeks, the White House has begun using its government blog to
directly attack what it called "Fox lies." David Gergen, who has worked for
President Bill Clinton and three Republican presidents, questioned the
propriety of the White House declaring war on a news organization.
"It's a very risky strategy. It's not one that I would advocate," Gergen
said on CNN. "If you're going to get very personal against the media, you're
going to find that the animosities are just going to deepen. And you're
going to find that you sort of almost draw viewers and readers to the people
you're attacking. You build them up in some ways, you give them stature."
He added: "The press always has the last barrel of ink."
Gergen's sentiments were echoed by Tony Blankley, who once served as press
secretary to former House Speaker Newt Gingrich.
"Going after a news organization, in my experience, is always a loser,"
Blankley said on CNN. "They have a big audience. And Fox has an audience of
not just conservatives -- they've got liberals and moderates who watch too.
They've got Obama supporters who are watching. So it's a temptation for a
politician, but it needs to be resisted."
Nia Malika Henderson, White House correspondent for the Politico newspaper,
also questioned the White House offensive against Fox.
"Obama's only been a boon to their ratings and I don't understand how this
kind of escalation of rhetoric and kind of taking them on, one on one, would
do anything other than escalate their ratings even more," she said.
Dunn used an appearance on CNN's "Reliable Sources" over the weekend to
complain about Fox News' coverage of the Obama presidential campaign a year
"It was a time this country was in two wars," she recalled. "We'd had a
financial collapse probably more significant than any financial collapse
since the Great Depression. If you were a Fox News viewer in the fall
election, what you would have seen would have been that the biggest stories
and biggest threats facing America were a guy named Bill Ayers and something
called ACORN."
Ayers was co-founder of the Weather Underground, a communist terrorist group
that bombed the Pentagon and other buildings in the 1960s and 1970s. In
1995, Ayers hosted Obama at his home for a political function and the two
men later served together on the board of an anti-poverty group known as the
Woods Fund.
The Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN), which
once had close ties to Obama, has been accused by a variety of law
enforcement agencies of voter fraud. In recent weeks, the
Democrat-controlled Congress moved to sever funding to ACORN after Fox News
aired undercover videotapes of ACORN employees giving advice on how to break
the law to a pair of journalists disguised as a pimp and prostitute.
As for Dunn's complaint about Fox News' coverage of the Obama campaign, a
study by the Pew Research Center showed that 40 percent of Fox News stories
on Obama in the last six weeks of the campaign were negative. Similarly, 40
percent of Fox News' stories on Obama's Republican opponent, Sen. John
McCain, were negative.
On CNN, by contrast, there was a 22-point disparity in the percentage of
negative stories on Obama (39 percent) and McCain (61 percent). The
disparity was even greater at MSNBC, according to Pew, where just 14 percent
of Obama stories were negative, compared to a whopping 73 percent of McCain
stories -- a spread of 59 points.
Although Dunn accused Fox News of being a "wing of the Republican Party,"
she said the network does not champion conservatism.
"It's not ideological," she acknowledged. "I mean, obviously, there are many
commentators who are conservative, liberal, centrist -- and everybody
understands that."
Still, Obama refused to appear on Fox News Sunday with Chris Wallace on
Sept. 20, the day he appeared on five other Sunday shows. At the time, the
White House characterized the snub as payback for the Fox Broadcast
Network's decision not to air an Obama prime time appearance. But last
weekend, Dunn blamed Fox News Channel's coverage of the administration for
Obama's snub of Fox News Sunday.
"Is this why he did not appear?" Dunn said. "The answer is yes."
Wallace has called White House officials "the biggest bunch of crybabies I
have dealt with in my 30 years in Washington."
Dunn was asked by CNN's Howard Kurtz whether Obama would grant an interview
to Fox News by the end of the year.
"Obviously, he'll go on Fox, because he engages with ideological opponents
and he has done that before, he will do it again," Dunn replied. "I can't
give you a date, because frankly I can't give you dates for anybody else
right now."
But last week, Fox News was informed by the White House that Obama would
grant no interviews to the channel until at least 2010. The edict was
relayed to Fox News by a White House official after Dunn discussed the
channel at a meeting with presidential spokesman Robert Gibbs and other
Obama advisers.
"What I will say is that when he (Obama) goes on Fox, he understands he's
not going on it really as a news network, at this point," Dunn said on CNN.
"He's going on to debate the opposition. And that's fine. He never minds
doing that."
Dunn also strongly implied that Fox had failed to follow up on a New York
Times story about a scandal swirling around GOP Sen. John Ensign of Nevada,
although Fox News broadcast the stories on numerous shows, including Special
Report with Bret Baier.
Clemente questioned the motives of the White House attack, which comes in
the wake of an informal coffee last month between Fox chairman Roger Ailes
and Obama adviser David Axelrod.
"Instead of governing, the White House continues to be in campaign mode, and
Fox News is the target of their attack mentality," he said. "Perhaps the
energy would be better spent on the critical issues that voters are worried
Blankley suggested the war on Fox News is unpresidential.
"It lowers the prestige," he said. "If you're president or speaker, at a
certain level, you don't want to be seen to be engaging that kind of petty
bickering. If you're just a congressman, maybe you can do it."
In an interview over the summer, Obama made clear that Fox News has gotten
under his skin.
"I've got one television station that is entirely devoted to attacking my
administration," he told CNBC's John Harwood. "You'd be hard pressed if you
watched the entire day to find a positive story about me on that front."
At the White House Correspondents Dinner in May, Obama even mocked the media
for supporting him.
"Most of you covered me; all of you voted for me," Obama said, spurring
laughter and applause from the assembled journalists. "Apologies to the Fox
Gergen said the White House should delegate its attacks to outside support
"Why don't they take this over to the DNC, over to the Democratic National
Committee, and have their struggles like that fought out over there and not
out of the White House?" Gergen said. "I have real questions about that
kmichaels October 12th, 2009 - 3:19 pm
Obama is a weakling in so many different ways.
Robert . October 12th, 2009 - 3:23 pm
No wonder Fox News is the highest rated news channel, they are the only ones
reporting the truth.
Peter N Roth October 12th, 2009 - 3:24 pm
The wise advice used to be phrased: “Don’t start an argument with someone
who buys ink by the barrel.”
L. Smith October 12th, 2009 - 3:25 pm
Fox has nothing to worry about…they are MORE popular than the him!!!
DennisT October 12th, 2009 - 3:25 pm
Well, when you have a bunch of nit wits running the White House, hell bent
on destroying our country, what do you expect?
rider237 October 12th, 2009 - 3:25 pm
how very Hugo-ish. truth is, fox is the only place you see all sides of a
story. to bad the other networks can’t claim the same. the WH can say what
they want,the numbers tell the story. The people know where to find news.
they find it on fox.
Milli October 12th, 2009 - 3:27 pm
That’s just like Fox News – They always give their viewers the truth. Keep
up the good work Fox and the stats will continue to rise; as obama osama bin
hating America fails. 2012 can’t get here fast enough.
I will not allow anyone in my home to watch any other news; why bother when
they only report half-truths, if there’s any truth reported at all.
I'm Not a President, but I Play One on TV October 12th, 2009 - 3:28 pm
The Obama White House has CNN fact-checking SNL sketches critical of Dear
Leader, and MSNBC bathing them in a rich, soothing wash of worshipful spin
24/7–and all these crybabies can complain about is a hostile press!
Tony Blair October 12th, 2009 - 3:32 pm
Again, if Fox is so bad then explain all those lies…. Again go after the
company/person but don’t rebute the facts :)
Keith October 12th, 2009 - 3:33 pm
I’m a recent convert to Fox News, since Obama was elected. I got tired of
all the softball press coverage from CNN. So this is how the new White House
treats a news organization that dares to question them…
The Professor October 12th, 2009 - 3:33 pm
Fox can’t have its cake and eat it, too. If you want to broadcast
propaganda, not to mention whatever you call Glenn Beck’s show, don’t expect
goodwill from the White House. I think the liberal bias of the left has been
countered by some on the right with blatant and brazen lies, disrespect, and
misinformation. Fox, Drudge, talk radio, Brietbart…then there’s the insane
WorldNetDaily…you’re all isolating conservatism by appealing tothe far rigth
wingnuts. Preach to the choir all you want; that’s no way to win elections
(though it’s great for ratings.)
DB from PHX October 12th, 2009 - 3:34 pm
It’s amazing that a news channel that reports the issues of the day without
the leftist slant of the major networks is now being considered an “enemy”
of the administration. This news blackout is a dangerous path to wander down
and they may just be waking up the sleeping giant that is the conservative
majority in the US. Keep it up and you’ll definitely lose the Whitehouse and
Congress in the next major election and it really doesn’t matter who the
Republicans put up against you.
JLC October 12th, 2009 - 3:34 pm
Fox must be getting too close for comfort in a lot of areas. Not a good
thing for the government to try to
silence the media. There are a lot of dark things going on in the
administration and we need at least one
media outlet willing to uncover it.
pepito cojones October 12th, 2009 - 3:34 pm
Obama is one big assed C-O-W-A-R-D!
Flava flave October 12th, 2009 - 3:35 pm
Why doesn’t CNN fact check say Glenn Beck's SEIU/ACORN/Buffy/Jarrett
connections? How about CNN Fact check the new FCC Czar ?
Yppdes October 12th, 2009 - 3:35 pm
Embarrassing how thin skinned this administration is.
Darrel October 12th, 2009 - 3:36 pm
All hail the lord god Dali-Bama. Stone the un-believers! Off with their
Worship and protect and say only good things about our Dear Leader – or
Zeig Heil! Zeig Heil!
jamesistheman October 12th, 2009 - 3:36 pm
Well at least 1 media outlet is calling the adminstration out. Many of us
see what they along with the rest of the Dems are trying to shove down our
throat. Sweeping changes & dirty tactics to get a healthcare bill among many
other agenda items theough as quickly as they can. The writing is on the
wall for the mid-terms & the Dems are going to lose big. They know this
which is why they are slamming their agenda full throttle.
demdicks October 12th, 2009 - 3:36 pm
I travel in my job and you always find the TV sets in airports and hotel
common areas all tuned to cnn, I have started complaining about it to
management requesting changing to Fox News, most are relieved that someone
finally told them to do it. Tell these people to get cnn off their airways,
that you notice and take names, tell them maybe your business is not good
enough for them if they won’t change the channel.
Olegario October 12th, 2009 - 3:37 pm
Who cares? We know what they’re up to and they are only going to lie when
Curt October 12th, 2009 - 3:38 pm
For someone who so blatantly supports the marxist agenda he sure doesn’t
like it when he and his fellow marxists become exposed….could it be he
realizes that the majority of us in this country don’t believe in his vision
for America and he can’t stand the fact that his smoke screen has blown
away! Please keep up the attacks so that the rest of the public who has
remained in the dark checks in with Fox to be educated to the real agenda of
hopelessness and change we dont believe in!
bess October 12th, 2009 - 3:40 pm
how ungrateful…. for the WH not to mention ALL THE OTHER news outlets that
sprew their own propaganda toward Obama.
those who seek the truth have found it in FoxNews.
Derrylane October 12th, 2009 - 3:40 pm
Fox is number one in ratings, because they report accurate news. Obama’s
polls are taking a free fall over the economy and unemployment lines and the
war. Anyway since when did any of our Presidents declare war on the MSM.
This seems like a we are dealing with dictatorship. This is the United
States of America. Not Cuba.
Irondog October 12th, 2009 - 3:40 pm
Keep up the good fight Fox News!
Robert October 12th, 2009 - 3:41 pm
If fox news is truely a mouthpeice of the republican party, wasnt it a
promise of obama that he would reach across party lines in an effort to end
political bickering?
George Washington October 12th, 2009 - 3:41 pm
Truth will ultimately prevail where there is pains to bring it to light.
Art October 12th, 2009 - 3:42 pm
Barry, is more of a meglomanic than Napoleon. He is a psycopathical liar.
Watch out America! He has already destroyed the fabric of the United States
of America. Impeach the SOB!!!
Curt October 12th, 2009 - 3:42 pm
Hey professer…..how about an example of the “lies” you accuse Fox of
perpetrating? Glenn Beck may be over the top but for the most part he has
simply been asking questions and getting nothing but crickets in response to
legitimate questions Millions of us have been asking!
bubbadiamonds October 12th, 2009 - 3:42 pm
Let us imagine if the main stream media were right leaning and reflected the
views of the majority of Americans instead of being liberal elitists
hellbent on destroying this country. What a wonderful country we would have
right now. We wouldn’t have 75% of the problems we have now.
Jack Ace October 12th, 2009 - 3:43 pm
What the report failed to mention is that moderates and liberals only tune
into Fox to laugh at the spectacle that is Fox news. With the exception of
Shepard Smith, all the other shows are incredibly biased. There is nothing
fair and balanced about Fox news.
wts October 12th, 2009 - 3:43 pm
Seems to me that when a someone or group screams everyone that is against us
is telling lies …. screams an even louder message about that person or group
BillyBob October 12th, 2009 - 3:45 pm
CrackheadObummer, in 9 short months has abused the power of the Presidency
more than any other President in history, even those who served for 8 years.
What’s gonna be fun is investigating his corrupt and criminal behavior after
we run the stool sample off in 2012
Roger Shouse October 12th, 2009 - 3:46 pm
Why aren’t all journalists talking about the “chilling effect” White House
statements have on the exercise of a free press? Oh, yeah. Never mind.
DavidJ October 12th, 2009 - 3:47 pm
FOX NEWS does not need liars as guests. Obama can’t win an argument under
any circumstances, so he tries to eliminate honesty. What a bunch of babies
we have in the White House, today.
Dora October 12th, 2009 - 3:47 pm
Thank you FOX for being the lonely voice in the sad wilderness of those who
call themselves journalists.
The Nobel prize should be awarded to all those stations and newspapers who
either ommit the truth or have no problem lying openly in order to protect
the guy and his Chicago cronies in the White House. Speak the truth with
conviction. It will set you free and insure the survival of our democratic
republic. God bless America!
Richard in Marin October 12th, 2009 - 3:48 pm
How surprising is this!?! Not at all!!
Team Obama and their in-the-pocket limousine liberals HATE everything Fox
has to say — especially when Fox utters the facts.
Shame on them, shame on the voters who voted that communist into power, and
good for Fox! Keep it up, guys.
rightsaidfred October 12th, 2009 - 3:48 pm
I give odumba the “limp wristed, spineless, communist, anti-american, most
likely to be a muslim” award. Why? BECAUSE HE’S NOT GEORGE BUSH. Never
thought I’d feel so strongly about this but…”GOD I MISS PRESIDENT BUSH”. I
am sick to death of that big eared goofy looking moron and the sound of his
voice makes me violently ill, much akin to Mary Hart’s voice and Kramer.
Hooter October 12th, 2009 - 3:48 pm
Mr. Obama you want some CHEEEZ for that WHINE. Truth bits doesn’t it Mr
Its a shame Mr Obama most Americans and those that vote watch Fox News…
Obama is NO Harry Truman, Obama can’t stand the heat….
mojo October 12th, 2009 - 3:49 pm
I get my news from many sources. Having worked in television news, beginning
in 1969 at PBS, I covered many stories in an honest and objective way. I
find that the mainstream media, as some label it, do slant to the left.
There are, many times, omissions of information which I can only attribute
to that slant to the left. With what some refer to as talk radio, and with
FOX News, I find that there is a slant to the right. However, that slant is
not in news content, as much as it is in what they cover. They also seem to
spend a great deal of air time, reporting on the omissions in stories
covered by the so called mainstream media. Since I have an extensive news
background, I do a great deal of “fact checking” on all of my news source
choices. I have also found that with some sources for fact checking, I have
to “fact check” their “fact checking”. The truth is out there, but you have
to be willing to work for it. It also requires that you get your information
from both left and right news sources. To dismiss one or the other, leaves
you with only half of the story.
Tony Corso October 12th, 2009 - 3:49 pm
If a group of esteemed engineers in every field sat down and tried to figure
out just how to bankrupt the United States of America and turn it into a
third world, socialist nation, they couldn’t have done a better job than the
Obama Administration is currently doing.
335blues October 12th, 2009 - 3:49 pm
Karen October 12th, 2009 - 3:51 pm
Fox is the best for news and yet still,they don’t tell the whole story. It’s
already been established umpteenth times, Obama is a liar.
I can't say much more than that, except those bitches and sons of bitches in
Da Honky Crib in Da Hood (formerly The White House) deserve any and all bad
that comes to them.
"MMM...MMM...MMM, BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA, MMM...MMM...MMM" --Young, innocent,
brainwashed grade school children in New Jersey
"Everybody in Washington gets all wee-weed up.” --Da Lyin' Little Prick
"THE BROTHER IS WATCHING" --Text on a poster showing Da Lyin' Little Prick
as Big Brother
"It's all about ME-E-E-E-E!!!" --Da Lyin' Little Prick